The fiend with the frightening forehand is the one and only Cool V. This guy's an A-1 excellent dude with some long history with ol' Burgers. He's the go-to guy for all the good stuff: laughs, lagers, bumps and scrapes, midnight expeditions, afternoon mis-adventures, and if he had never dicovered frisbee, skateboards, and the mountains, we'd have V's handsome visage instead of Steve Nash's all over the place. I still think that V could cross Nash up like the handlebars of a Kuwahara K-Zed-One. While I was (am) all Tony-Hawking all over the place, my giant feet fighting to keep my gangly frame and ridiculous arms on the board, V was Hosoi-ing around like a quick, smooth, edgy, dagger. Athletic... that's all.
He's a great friend, with solid and true values. He's been through some shit. He's strong and wise, sensitive and completely devoid of nonsense. A great husband and Dad. He's surrounded by a heap of inspiring, intriguing, and solid characters, he's the kind of guy we all need a dose of in our lives.
I've been proud to call Cool V my friend for over twenty years and I fully miss him.
Slide The Four, Guy!
He's good lookin', too!
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