And Off We Went...

Blue skies and warm breezes. Mum picked us up and we cruised slowly (mum-behind-the-wheel-style) throught this pretty, pretty town.
Although, I must say that her adeptness at matting it out of the sights of an overzealous light-runner on w.10th saved the day.
Decompression came quickly.
A great pub dinner at the Quay, followed by a relaxing nightcap at Mum&Charles' pad in WV.
We only got one evening with them, and it wasn't nearly enough. I'm thankful for what time we had, and we used it to share and smile a lot.
I love you Mum.
The observation deck at 2180 Argyle was ours for a few days - a bright, fresh morning with the World's Best Biscotti on the deck at Bean in Ambleside. More beaching it, then a trip to Kits to see Cool V, Li'l T, and Fingers. Happy that they finally met Soph, and vice versa. Great batch of catch-up time, sushi on the deck... I like it.
Nice to see you three - your vibe was colossally satisfying.
Hitting Horseshoe bay before dawn - thundering across the upper levels in Dad's '90 Ford Tempo in search of Nanaimo Bars in Nanaimo.
We scored... Big.
The McIntyres were awesome. Those little boys - I love so much. Snacks, naps, laughs, snacks, and fun in the fresh air. She and Soph were on form.
Our B&B was 10 out of 10. Relaxing and wicked. A stone's throw from Royal Roads... I could almost hear Paddy Stewart squawking his way through a lecture on 'Paradise Lost'.
(I was probably the only one who almost heard
More of She, Troy, Evil and Dude, then GO!
Matting it in Dad's '93 Pontiac Sunfire up to Crofton to catch a ferry that is leaving in a week ago. Fun fun fun drive - on the edge. Who needs all the other things with which I usually injure myself? Wisely, Soph had her eyes closed most of the way.
You know how in films and on TV the sports car is late for the ferry and catches air off the dock, landing safely on the boat as it pulls away, clearing a gap the size of a soccer field?
Saltspring was the baddest. Grilling some Port Renfrew halibut, sipping beers, snaxxx to the extreme, naps to the extreme, quality time with the Old Man, great trips to Ganges, and ripping about in our 'neighbor's' outboard inflatible.
Powering back to the city Soph was at the helm for hours of our Georgia strait crossing. Beautiful day, perfect conditions. The sea coarses through this Northern girl's Steeltown veins...
And back.
Thanks everyone. You did it, and we took it all and ran.
He had a gorgeous time, and the feeling was indescribable...
We love it there.

awesome pics! Thank you for sharing them.
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